A Weekend Away

We always come back from a weekend in Moscow physically exhausted, but very happy. We tend to stick around on Sunday afternoon just a little too long.  The guys open another beer.  Someone finds another treasure trove of a interior design magazine.  Another kid need a snack, which means it probably time to brew another latte made with almond milk.


And then it’s 8:30 pm, four and a half hours past our departure time goal, and we’re faced with the long drive back to Seattle. After a long dark drive, we roll into our bed at home at 1:30am, and roll back out at 6am for work. And so Monday night is one of those night we get home from work, eat, and go to bed at 8:30.

But spending the time with the Moscow crowd of family is always worth it.  This  time we had the added bonus of Ryan’s mom being in town. We went to see the church building Ryan’s brother is the contractor on remodeling from an old warehouse to a church building. I squeezed in quick visits with a couple old friends (and missed too many more). Ryan soaked up the comfort of his home town. And we spent plenty of time relaxing with family. Uncle Ryan is very popular because he will bounce on the trampoline and play nerf war and so much more.

The littlest nephew (of the 8 nieces and nephews we visited) is almost 3, and brimming with personality.  He says ‘bing’ with the a perfect ringing bell tone at random intervals or when he gets something he wants. And he even got his dad to bounce him on the trampoline. We’re not sure who had more fun with that one.




And in spite of living in Seattle, a meca of markets, the Moscow Farmer’s Market remains Ryan’s favorite, so we wandered it, drinking coffee and eating baskets of sun-warmed raspberries and tiny, delicious donuts.

